Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't Go Golfing

I hit some balls today. It was the first time since mid December that I've been able to do this. I didn't go to the range. I just hit some into the net. I'm talking about golf just in case you didn't know. Not golfing, just golf. This is kind of a pet peeve of mine, and my son. People play golf. Golf is a noun. One cannot golf, go golfing, golf a ball, a shot,or anything else related to the game of golf. No one goes baseballing, basketballing, or even soccerring. Why would you expect someone to go golfing? They can't. There are no golfers, only players, not playaz yo, players. So do me a favor, show the game and those who love it some respect, and address it correctly. Nothing exposes a hackychopper quicker than when he/she says he went golfing, just golfed, or golfed a game today. Golfing golfers going golfing. I'd rather watch soccer than hear another word about the game they golfed.
Anyway, even with the long layoff, I hit it like a God today. I only hit about ten shots, but absolutely flushed every one. Who needs practice? I'm going to take my son to the course and kick his ass for his birthday next weekend. Happy birthday Ian! I'm sure he'll have a different perspective on the upcoming event. You might find something on his blog, Pureplayergolf. He is just that too. The kid hits it like a machine. He's nearly technically perfect. With some size, and a little short game work, he could make a living playing this game. Gee, that would be unfortunate. I've got my caddie application already filled out.
I'm going to change the subject now. My youngest daughter is five years old now, and I feel really lucky. Three, four, five, and six year olds are the absolute most fun that kids can be. Period. They do the most basic things with the most uninhibited joy you will ever see. These years are very special, for both you and your child. If you don't enjoy them, I feel sorry for you. You've really missed out. My little Sugar Bear makes me laugh every single day. My other three kids did too when they were that age. I might talk about some of the things they did later. I'm too tired tonight. Long day. Thank you to my beautiful Green Eyed Mama, and plo at forcryeye for the comments. Yes we are married.


Green-Eyed Momster said...

I won't go golfing or basketballing or baseballing or soccerring! You can bet money on it!
You can go play golf if you'd like!
Love you, T

John Brough said...

Actually - did some research here - this is the one exception in the "sporting" English language that is actually a gerund (both a noun and a verb) you can just as easily "play golf" as you can "go golfing". Both Oxford and Webster's dictionaries agree to this. And "Golfers" also appear in both. I do, however, tend to think it sound better to use "golf" as a noun.

Funny subject though - I have had this argument a few times - and as far as I can tell, there are NO OTHER sports that allow for this, that I know of anyway.

i.e, you can't play swimming, or go baseballing.