I'm going to give everybody some advice that will make their lives better immediately.
Stop feeling guilty!!!
It seems to me that everybody in this country makes decisions everyday based on feelings of guilt they have for no apparent reason. Stop doing this. I know you can't all be morons, so stop letting everything make you feel guilty.
If you are white, it's o.k., don't feel guilty about it.
If you are happy, it's o.k., don't feel guilty about that either.
If you are not a starving kid in Africa, it's probably not your fault.
If you are feeling guilty about being an evil, planet destroying Human, remember that even the prettiest wild animals would gladly eat their neighbors if they got the chance.
You're here. It doesn't matter how you think you got here, God, a bajillion years of random genetic mutations, Alien genetic engineering, or your own nonphysical being exploring the physical reality. The fact is that you are here and unless you just enjoy being miserable, it would do you some good to enjoy who you are. You haven't done anything to suppress anyone's freedom, warm the planet, cause turmoil in Darfur, or ruin the environment by eating a hamburger. So get over the guilt and enjoy your life. Be proud to be an American. We are the people on the leading edge of society. People who disagree with that statement are usually jealous of what we have. I'm not saying that we are perfect and don't have problems to overcome. We do, but we don't need to create more by feeling guilty about what we do have and have done.
If you are an American woman today, you have been presented with an interesting dilemma. If you stay home and have children, you may feel guilty for not entering the work force and building a career. This has been force fed to you for the last thirty plus years. If you choose to enter the work force and build a career, your natural instincts may cause you to feel guilty for not having children. The thing is, it's your life, live it as you choose. Make your choices based not on guilt or fear, but on what you really want, and then live with them without regret. All you can do is the best you can do at that moment. It's easy to look back and second guess yourself, but if you look at the situation you were in at the time, the choice you made was probably the best one, or the only one.
Enjoy yourself and the people around you. Appreciate what you have without regret. Don't take anything for granted, and begin living without guilt or fear every day. your life will be better , and so will mine. Thank you.
Norman Mailer and Parade Magazine
16 years ago
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