So today I was driving downtown in my global warming inducing diesel service truck. I was sitting at a red light when I see some bumper stickers on a car in front of me. One of them said, " Get U.S. Out Of Iraq", and the other one was a " Hillary" sticker. My first thought was "Jackass", but then when I pulled along side of the car I saw something that made me realize this person was no normal Jackass. On the drivers side rear window was an "NRA" sticker. What The Hell? I,m sorry, but you can't be a Democrat who supports Hillary Clinton and be an NRA supporter at the same time. You can be a Republican and support the NRA. You can be a Libertarian and support the NRA. You can be Green and support the NRA. You can be Black, Jewish, Elderly, an illegal immigrant, or most anything else and still support the NRA. But you can't be a Communist or a Democrat and support the NRA!. You can't. The Democrats spend a huge portion of their time trying to eliminate, override, defeat, and otherwise render useless the second amendment of our great Constitution. If you are going to support them, you cannot be an NRA supporter. The NRA wants people to be able to own, carry, shoot, and buy and sell weapons, including handguns and "assault weapons". These guns are scary enough to make proud Democrats piss themselves.
So I took a look at the driver of the car to see what kind of confused individual would send such mixed messages. As soon as I saw her the answer was crystal clear! The driver was a woman in her fifties ( I'm guessing her age). She had an extremely short, you could say
masculine haircut, and no makeup. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, so I feel qualified to say that when my gaydar goes off it's accurate!, and it was blasting loud and clear!
Now I understand how she could be so confused about her political views. She's confused about her own identity. She's not even happy with her own vagina. Who wouldn't be happy with a vagina? That's one of natures greatest inventions! She probably hates all men and really needs a gun to protect herself from their evil intentions. She probably even has a concealed carry permit. I just hope for her sake, that politically she doesn't get her way because if she did then she would most likely lose her right to protect herself from all of the evil men she has to be around every day!
The Hillary thing is equally hard for me to understand. I can kind of see her attraction to Hillary, her being out diked only by Janet Reno and Janet Napolitano, but as far as Lesbians go, I thought that our current President would be a much more natural choice. After all, don't Lesbians and Bush go together like.....well...... Lesbians and Bush!
And yes, I probably am a chauvinistic racist homophobic stereotype believing angry white man! Only I'm not angry and I'm usually right.
Norman Mailer and Parade Magazine
16 years ago