Monday, April 14, 2008

It's baseball season

I'm glad that baseball season is here. I love the Diamondbacks, especially when they're rolling like they are right now. The national media does not seem to share the same appreciation of our talented young team though. ESPNBCBS seems to think that only the Yankees and the Red Sox are qualified to be shown on updates or highlights. I've got news for them. Watching the Yankees to me, is like seeing Hillary, Al gore, or B-Rock Obummer vomiting up their bullshit into the mouths of their feeding media hatchlings on tv. It makes me feel a little queasy. The Yankees are a bunch of overpaid, underachieving steriod junkies who get too much media hype for doing nothing except being part of a team from New York. I'm not impressed with anything from New York, especially if it gets over promoted. So lets see some more of the teams who are earning their pay with solid play, not excessive pay. Go D'Backs!

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