Sunday, April 6, 2008

Global Warming Research

After conducting a scientific poll of the entire world population about global warming, I have the results to share with you brave readers. This poll was conducted using the latest scientific methods and is known to be 100% accurate.

1) The population of the world would rather be warm than cold.
2) Most people believe we should be celebrating the fact that we've successfully averted the imminent ice age that we were told was coming by our teachers and the news when we were kids.
3) Six degrees will not destroy us.
4) Al Gore is an embarrassment to America.
5) Democrats are even more of an embarrassment to America.
6) Nuclear power would be a good thing.
7) Oil comes from the earth, and is natural and organic!
8) California sucks. ( this was unanimous)
9) I can't wait for Summer.
10)$ 3.00 per gallon gas is the biggest problem in the entire universe right now!

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